
Poetry from the Colors of My Mind

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I never considered myself a poet. I just wrote poetry to express myself like a private journal. I was that girl that people saw walking around with a composition book in her hand ready to pen any experience that life introduced me to.  I’ve always been in love with words since the day my mother introduced me to books as a little girl. I don’t necessarily have a preference for poems that rhyme or poems that don’t, but I do think my love for Hip-Hop music makes me lean towards a tendency to make my poems rhyme. Overall, I think I just love the beauty of words and how they can be put together in such a way to make readers be able to relate to it.

In the 90s and early 2000s, I used to read my poetry throughout the DC area. I was always amazed by the showcase of talent, especially by spoken word poets and their ability to actually recite their poems from memory. I was too scared to read at first because of that, but as a member of the literary group, DC Writer’s Way at the time, they helped me overcome that fear and to focus on the craft itself.

I think there’s a lot of respect in the poetry community and an understanding of its artistry and creative expression. It’s for that reason that I had never considered myself a poet. I just felt like that was such a high level of skill and talent that I didn’t deserve to give myself that kind of title. That’s why I didn’t publish my poetry for several years. I could have, but I didn’t until now. I have books filled with poems just as I do stories, but poetry is so… it’s so personal. It’s such a large part of my life’s experiences. Why publish now? My mother read all four volumes of my poems and loved them. Sure that may sound bias, but my Mom is an honest critic. If she doesn’t like something, she will tell you. She’s part of the reason I published this first volume.

Most of my poems are about love. It started with love, and me falling in love for the first time at sixteen and not fully understanding why I felt that warmth in the center of my chest each day or that giddiness when I saw him walking toward me with red roses in his hands or that first kiss that gave me goosebumps and sped up my heartbeat. I blame love and all of his passion that he engulfs you with when you meet that special person.

Will I publish another volume after this? Hmm... I'm not sure. Check out the first volume and let me know what you all think...

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Poetry from the Colors of My Mind

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Author Selena Haskins

Selena Haskins is the author of her best-selling book A River Moves Forward. In 2013, recognized Selena as a Top 100 Author.

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